netmate||de – a data security and privacy project

netmate||de – a data security and privacy project
(Some call the project "your best friend on the net")

Why this project? Well, simply we knew it "somehow" already about 14 years before it started to spread around the world in June 2013. Or at least we knew it would be possible and "someone" would do it. "Somewhen". Unfortunately we were right. Completely right! And even more than that...

The netmate project proudly celebrated its (unbelieveable!) 20th anniversary in 2019. Yet netmate's unique services and powerful features are still only being offered to a small group of founders and friends in a non-public network environment.

Stay tuned! "The long wind will pay off".

"Der Preis der Freiheit ist die Freiheit." —netmate||de'99

© 1999-2023 netmate||de — All rights reserved.

[webguru at netmate dot de]